Wednesday 29 June 2011

Day 2

Well i'm sure I thought this would ever happen, but I put exercize before food - I managed to do my exercize DVD before breakfast!!! It's one I got a while ago (a previous occasion filled with good intention!) which is based on 10minute sessions, so you don't have the excuse of not having the time to while I wasn't due for a run, I thought i'd blow the dust off the box and give it a go.  All-in-all it was pretty enjoyable, Michelle (the DVD lady) was very encouraging but like superwoman fit, who can exercize AND talk at the same time, without breaking a sweat.  I, on the other hand was soaked in sweat with burning muscles and looked like i'd just returned from a trek across the Sahara - it's all about baby steps, Michelle's uber tight abs will one day be mine!!

And so to my 3 course breakfast - very delicious, very healthy and very never ending.  So far, all my food has been delicious, filling and i've also been free from any cupboard raiding urges......if you don't count my desperate need for wine gums!!

Early days still, but my chin is up, my belly is full and my training still on target :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well done my little flower, keep up the excellent healthy work rate!
