Thursday 30 June 2011

Day 3

Hmmmm, well that seems to have been a record - i'm already losing it :-(  my meals are now too small and because i'm now on a training schedule I don't want to do that either.  It's like signing up for the gym all over again, you go for months on end and then as soon as you sign up for a cheaper deal, you stop going!!!!  However I shall not be defeated so early on, she says loudly and repeatedly.

I was scheduled to go for a 6K run today, but as mr bad attitude was visiting I decided to sulk instead, which was obviously a much more productive use of my time!!!!  So after having stern words with myself I decided to compromise and try out my new skipping rope instead........and there goes my first lesson in compromises - it was horrendous!!!  I didn't manage to do it for very long becasue my skipping rope is lighter than an anorexic grass snake, so kept twisting up and being very annoying.  So after my failed mini skipping workout, I decided to give Michelle (my DVD lady) another go - that lady hurts me :-(

My food was again delicious........but i'm starting to need my usual giganta portions.  Starting to struggle now that my initial enthusiasm (that lasted all of 2 days) is beginning to wane.

On a more positive note, the idea that i've had for my fundraising are hopefully starting to come into fruition.  My aim is to organize; a sports day, a massage day and a rounders tournament.  But as time is definiately not on my side and the other trials and tribulations of life aren't going to stop for the next 12 weeks, it's not going to be an easy task.  I have a venue for the massage and I have managed to rope in another 3 unsuspecting victims (oops, I mean volunteers), so a good start so just waiting to hear back about a potential date.

1 comment:

  1. Don't think of it as a diet for a set period of time (if that is what you are doing) but instead come to the realisation that it's a healthy lifestyle choice and is the attitude and behavior you have adopted and will continue to live by from now onwards! Your doing very well!
